Shepherd Sales, inc.
Over 75 Years of Specialization in Automotive and RV Aftermarkets
Store merchandising
We understand every brand is unique. Shepherd Sales has curated a successful approach to store mechandising that ensures to reflect brand values and appeal to every customer.
In-store sales support & training
Shepherd Sales multifaceted approach is deisgned to improve the shopping experience, streamline operations and increase sales.
product demonstrations & seminars
Aimed to showcase functionality and benefits, Shepherd Sales will help you gain insight to product and industry analysis with professional guidance.
customer appreciation & event support
Shepherd Sales strives to express our gratitude, appreciation, and care for customers. We are not successful unless you are successful.
We proudly represent
about us
For more than 75 years, Shepherd Sales has served as an essential link - connecting manufacturers, wholesalers, and dealers nationwide. Our goals, philosophies, and commitment to excellence are as strong as the day we began. We are dedicated to delivering nothing short of the highest quality products to both our suppliers and dealers, accompanied by unparalleled support, service, and training.
Shepherd Sales Rep coverage map
Contact us
accelerate your journey to true success
Contact us for an insightful consultation with one of our experienced representatives. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
10860 N Dover Street #1500
Westminster, CO 80021